I write to you all today to let you know that the frequency of my updating could - and most likely will - significantly decrease. I am increasingly busy at work, and will have more work to complete for my master's degree.
I don't want anyone to be under the impression that I am abandoning the cause, especially when it can be construed that I have smited others for doing the same thing. I am not abandoning the cause or this blog - and I do not want anyone who reads to abandon it. The lives of trafficking victims cannot be abandoned any more than they have already.
Please have a look at the Educational Links page of this blog - it will show you how to join others who display passion for ending human trafficking - many of whom I spoke about in posts. I encourage you to become involved - perhaps by starting a blog of your own. If you hear of a news story involving human trafficking - positive or negative - send me a note at marygrace.donaldson@gmail.com and I will write a post on it.
While we may not end trafficking altogether, we have it in our power to work toward that goal. Always keep that in mind. Thank you for your readership.
-- Gracie